'Does gyffelyb iddo Ef

'Does gyffelyb iddo Ef,
Ar y ddaear, yn y nef,
  Trech ei allu,
      trech ei ras,
  Na dyfnderoedd calon gas.

Tegwch hardd ei wyneb pryd,
Gan hawddgarach
    yw na'r byd;
  Gwrando'i lais,
      a gwel'd ei wedd,
  Bywyd yw tu yma i'r bedd.

Nid yw orchest imi'n awr
Garu fy Eiriolwr mawr;
  Nid oes genyf ond Efe,
  Ar y ddaear, yn y ne'.

Caned cenedlaethau'r byd
Am ei enw mawr ynghyd;
  Bloeddied moroedd gyda thir
  Ddyfnder iachawdwriaeth bur.

Na foed neb is awyr lâs
Heb gael prawf o'th nefol ras;
  Doed holl luoedd
      daear gron,
  Yfent ddwfr
      y ffynnon hon.

O dy glwyfau rhed i maes
Afon ddwyfol loyw lâs,
  Sydd yn achub, sy'n glanhau,
  Myrddiwn o'r aflanaf rai.

            - - - - -
          1,2,3;  1,4,5.

'Does gyffelyb iddo Ef,
Ar y ddaear, yn y nef;
  Trech ei allu,
      trech ei ras
  Na dyfnderoedd calon gas;
A'i ffyddlondeb sydd yn fwy
Nag angheuol ddwyfol glwy'.

Gair o'i enau sanctaidd Ef
'N awr a'm dŵg i ganol nef;
  Yn Ei eiriau mae 'r fâth rîn,
  Dodant nef a dae'r yn un:
Gwrando 'i lais,
    a gwel'd Ei wedd,
Yw fy mywyd tu yma i'r bedd.

Ti Dy Hunan, Iesu mawr!
Yw fy noddfa ar y llawr;
  Gâd im' gael Dy gwmni cu
  Nes myn'd trwy'r Iorddonen ddu;
Yna deuaf ger Dy fron,
Heb ddychrynu gan y dòn.

Caned cenedlaethau'r byd
Am ei enw mawr ynghyd;
  Aed i gyrrau
      pella'r ne',
  Aed i'r dwyrain,
      aed i'r de:
Bloeddied moroedd gyda thir
Ddyfnder iachawdwriaeth bur.

Na foed undyn is y rhod
Heb ddatseinio i maes ei glod;
  Na foed neb is awyr las
  Heb gael praw
      o'i nefol ras
Doed y ddaear fawr yn gron,
Yfent ddŵr
    y ffynnon hon.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [7777]:
Harts (B Milgrove 1731-1810)
Innocents (The Parish Choir, 1850)

Tonau [777777]:
Berlin (Salmydd Claude Goudimel 1562)
Cassel (Musicalischer Christen-Schatz 1745)
Dix (Conrad Kocher 1786-1872)
Newport (<1869)
Ratisbon (Choralbuch 1815)
St Austin (<1875)

  Dacw gariad nefoedd wèn
  Dacw'r ffynnon heddyw gaed
  Ei gyfiawnder dwyfol Ef
  Ti dy hunan Iesu mawr
  Wele gariad nefoedd wen

There is nothing comparable to Him,
On the earth, in heaven,
  That overcomes his ability,
      overcomes his grace,
  Not the depths of a hateful heart.

The beautiful fairness of his countenance,
Is a hundred times more
    beautiful than the world;
  Listening to his voice,
      and seeing his face,
  Is life this side of the grave.

It is not a task to me now
To love my great Mediator;
  I have no-one but Him,
  On the earth, in heaven.

Let the nations of the world sing
Of his great name together;
  Let the seas shout with land
  The depth of pure salvation.

Let there be no-one under the blue sky
Without experience of thy heavenly grace;
  Let all the hosts of the
      round earth come,
  Let them drink the water
      of this fountain.

From thy wounds there flows out
A divine river shining blue,
  Which saves, which cleanses,
  Myriads of those who are unclean.

                 - - - - -

There is nothing comparable to Him,
On the earth, in heaven,
  That overcomes his ability,
      overcomes his grace,
  Not the depths of a hateful heart.
And his faithfulness is greater
Than a deadly divine wound.

A word from his sacred mouth
Now leads me to the centre of heaven;
  In his great words there is such merit,
  They put heaven and earth as one:
Listening to his voice,
    and seeing his countenance,
Are my life on this side of the grave.

Thou thyself, great Jesus,
Art my refuge on earth below!
  Let me have thy dear company
  Until I go through the black Jordan;
Then I shall come before thee,
Without being horrified by the wave.

Let the nations of the world sing
Of his great name together;
  Let it go to the furthest
      corners of heaven,
  Let it go to the east,
      let it go to the south:
Let the seas shout with land
The depth of pure salvation.

Let there be no-one under the sky
Not resounding out his praise;
  Let there be no-one under the blue sky
  Without experience of
      his heavenly grace;
Let the great round earth come,
Let them drink the water
    of this fountain.
tr. 2010,23 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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